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Our blogs are updated once a month, usually on the first day of the month. On this page, we offer advice, tips, and insights for becoming a safer driver and for better travels on Chico roads. Bookmark this page and remember to check back!

If you need auto repair service, don’t forget that you can schedule an appointment at this link for D&E Auto Repair in Chico. We look forward to seeing you! Remember that you are a part of the family at D&E Auto Repair in Chico. We’re located at 3328 Esplanade St., Chico, CA 95973.

Tag Archives: Chico

Here Is a List of The Fantastic Things You Can Do at Chico For This 4th of July

Here Is a List of The Fantastic Things You Can Do at Chico For This 4th of July

Photo by frank mckenna on Unsplash Here is a list of the fantastic things you can do at Chico for this 4th of July  Independence Day is around the corner, and the best way to celebrate it is by getting together with your family and friends. You can decide on having a pleasant and relaxing barbecue at home or going on a road trip with your friends.    As July 4th is quickly approaching, it is time to fire up that barbecue and find out what kind of independence day events will be going on near you on this memorable holiday. If you are lucky enough to live in Chico, CA, here is a list of some fantastic things you can do at Chico this 4th of July.  The best things to do in chico  View July 4th Firework ... read more



What To Do When Your Car Overheats

What To Do When Your Car Overheats

Photo by Daniel @ bestjumpstarterreview.com on Unsplash   What to do when your car overheats  You're happy driving on the road on a hot summer day when your vehicle's engine starts smoking out of nowhere, and you have to pull over. What will happen next?!    Engines can overheat for many other reasons, but the most common is caused by the warm seasons, mainly during the summer. This can happen to anyone's engines when they overheat due to the hot weather. Lucky, we are here to help you and give you some advice on what to do when your vehicle overheats.    Tips on what to do  Turn off the air conditioner: Running the A/C puts a heavy load on the engine; the best thing to do ... read more



Why a Little Check-Up On Your Vehicle Matters

Why a Little Check-Up On Your Vehicle Matters

Photo by Nina Mercado on Unsplash Why do a little check up on your vehicle matter a lot  As vehicle owners, we all want our vehicles to look brand new; we clean them and wash them often to make them look nice. But you should also consider having them in good condition by giving them the proper maintenance it needs.  This month’s blog will share why a little checkup on your vehicle matters. As you had invested thousands of dollars when you bought your car, you should consider giving it an often checkup to ensure it works appropriately and prevents more significant issues.  Extend the life of your vehicle: By following the regular maintenance schedule, you can prevent more significant issues with your car. Wh ... read more



Tire Tips We Can All Use

Tire Tips We Can All Use

Photo by HutchRock on pixabay   Here Are Some Tips On How To Take Care of Your Tires The best tires are durable, resilient, and tough. But even the best tires won’t last long if you’re not putting in the right time and attention.    If you want something to last as long as it should, you’ve gotta take care of it. Putting in work on the front end ensures that you won’t be dealing with any flats or blowouts on the road and can also save you money in the long run. Here are 5 tips on taking care of your tires: Get the right tires for your lifestyle. Winter tires are necessary in colder climates but less frequently in a place like Chico. However, if you find yourself going on road trips to do a little skiing pretty often, you might consider changing your tires.  Rotate your tires frequently. Tire rotation ensures that there&rs ... read more



Best Road Trips For Spring Break

Best Road Trips For Spring Break

Photo by Raphael Rychetsky on Unsplash   With the weather warming up and spring break coming up, it can be perfect timing to take your family on a road trip! You can have time to explore and relieve some stress while still socially distancing too. If you are planning on getting behind the wheel and going out to explore the state, this month's blog is ideal for you as we will share some of the best road trips for spring break.   But before you get into your vehicle, and start with the adventure, ensure your vehicle is working correctly so you can prevent any issues on the road or any other major accidents. We want you to have the best experience of your life, and because of this, below are some ideas of road trips that you ... read more



Brakes: Why Is It Important To Look At More Than The Brake Pads?

Brakes: Why Is It Important To Look At More Than The Brake Pads?

Photo by Benjamin Brunner on Unsplash   Your brake pads are essential when it comes to safety, as they allow you to stop your vehicle and prevent more significant accidents. We will explain why it is necessary to look at more than the brake pads on your car on the February blog.    It is important to remember that brake wear is not an exact science; some brake pads will last longer than others; the type of vehicle you drive, how often you drive it, and your driving style are factors that you should consider.   Here are some examples of typical brake pad wear and what you can do to help them to brake properly:  Speed plays a significant factor in how often you're using your brake pads.  Over time ... read more

Top Prettiest Winter Drives

Top Prettiest Winter Drives

Photo by Oliur on Unsplash   Are you planning to do something fun this winter with your family? We will share some of the best winter drives you can take your family to and have the most memorable holiday on this year’s January blog!   The United States offers a variety of spectacular road trips options with the most stunning natural settings. During the winter, you can find majestic natural treasures by glistening ice-slicked trees. Below are some of the prettiest winter drives you and your family can explore this winter!    Skyline Drive, Shenandoah National Park, Virginia: The blue ridge mountains boast some of the most stunning scenes during the winter season; the road is high above Shenandoah National ... read more


Winter Drives

The Importance of Winterizing Your Vehicle

The Importance of Winterizing Your Vehicle

Photo by JavyGo on Unsplash   With the winter season coming soon, you must know how to take care of your vehicle and have it in good condition for when you need it. In this month's blog, we will share some of the reasons why it is essential to winterize your vehicle.    During the winter seasons, the temperature drops frequently, and this causes several damages to our vehicles if we don't take proper care of them. Below are some of the damages that not winterizing your truck can cause.    Oil: During cold seasons, the oil in your vehicle thickens as it becomes colder, and once it becomes thick, it won't be able to lubricate your engines.    Visibility: Your vehicle windshield wipers give ... read more



Why We are Thankful for You

Why We are Thankful for You

Photo by Kiy Turk on Unsplash   Our auto mechanics at D&E Auto Repair in Chico are thankful for trusting us with your vehicle and choosing us as your auto repair shop. We're grateful for becoming a loyal client with us, and we appreciate each of you! We realize that you could have chosen any other auto repair shop, but you chose us and trusted our mechanics! Trust is a hard-earned currency nowadays, so we are glad that we were able to earn yours.    With the holidays coming soon, we should stop for a little and reflect on all the hard work we have done during these challenging times and the people that have been there for us. Always remember that being grateful helps people connect to something larger than themselve ... read more



Fuel System Cleaning: How Frequently Does Your Car Need It?

Fuel System Cleaning: How Frequently Does Your Car Need It?

Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay    The price of gasoline rose sharply this year, and we are all looking for a way to save money on the road! Planning a road trip got a whole lot more expensive, so this is the perfect time to pay attention to the issues concerning our fuel system. Like us, our vehicle's fuel system runs more efficiently if it is clean and feeling fine!    But what exactly is a fuel system, and how do I know when I need to service it? These are good questions, so we put together a short explanation of what it is and what you want to be aware of!   What's in my Fuel System? Your fuel system consists of many parts that work in concert toge ... read more


Fuel System