#1. Be Committed to and Live by your Core Values
Our core values center around excellence, commitment, accountability, quality, and honesty. We want our team to be the best in the industry. We want them to reach their goals and live happier lives while elevating the industry that we love so much. Our core values will be met every day without ever compromising our ethics or the trust that is placed in us.
#2 Never put Money ahead of People
We value relationships over transactions. In making any decision, we must always consider the impact it will have on our clients, our industry, our team members, and society at large. When a client should not be charged for the services that have been provided, this is when we must abide by this principle. This is the very same principle that requires the prices we charge to be commensurate with the value that is delivered. At D&E Auto Repair, we don’t take shortcuts, and our pricing reflects our extra value, care, and warranty. We always strive to keep our prices as affordable as possible, but we will not sacrifice quality. Accordingly, as an industry-leading company, we will encourage our clients, our coaches, and the industry at large to adopt this guiding principle as well.
#3 Do the Right Thing for the Right Reasons
In the workplace, we are constantly making decisions, so accordingly, we always need to have proven methods for doing so. In making customer-related decisions, many people follow the commonly used rule that states “We should treat others in the way we would want to be treated.” At D&E Auto Repair, we feel this philosophy is flawed because it wrongfully imposes our beliefs and values on others. With the consideration that we will typically have something to either gain or lose, our bias may very well influence our opinion. It is, for this reason, we often turn to what we refer to as the D&E “Grandmother test” when making such decisions. By asking ourselves what we believe our grandmothers would feel to be the right decision, we are removing our personal bias, and we are able to feel comfortable that we are making the right decision for the right reasons.
#4 Know & Embrace the Needs of Each and Every Client
Without question, each and every client is different in countless ways. Knowing that their goals, their beliefs, and their concerns are what’s most important to them, these are the things that in all cases must become most important to us. In doing so, we are staying true to our Core Values and we are delivering on the promises that we have made to them.
#5 Respect and Serve One Another
The culture of D&E Auto Repair is not only central to our beliefs, but it truly reflects who we are. We are a caring, principle-centered company, so accordingly, we cheerfully help one another. We don’t do this because we have to, but because we choose to lift each other up with support. By being respectful and considerate of each team member, and by assisting one another in every possible way, we will not only better ensure the success of each of our team members, but we will be demonstrating to others, both within ad outside the industry, the beauty, and power that is found through selfless people who are on a mission of helping others.